Monday, June 11, 2012

Water, Water Everywhere, Let's All Grab A Cup!!!

                       We've all been told that we must consume at least 64 oz. or a gallon of water each day, but what happens if we don't carry around a gallon of water? Who's going to be responsible enough to have eight bottles of water with them or even count how many bottles of water they drink? I am unique because I usually find myself doing this. If you create a routine for yourself that includes drinking two bottles of water each hour after you wake up, you'll have met your daily water intake around 4PM. Let's consider this, a regular work day consists of an eight hour schedule, you can drink all of your water at work and still be able to have soda, juice or that extra glass of wine with dinner. Drinking water has many health benefits that includes clear skin, helps control your metabolism and it moistens the air in our lungs. (A fact that I did not know.) It detoxifies our system, which means that if we put something which our bodies consider to be "poisonous", our body responds quickly to remove it from our systems. It also provides nutrients to our muscles and joints.
                      A good daily water drinking routine starts when you're young. Your parents are your first influences on life and when you see that your parents drink water, that prompts you to drink more water. We all want to live strong healthy lives and water in its' purest state helps extends our clock for a number of years. Doctors have also proven that water drinkers a less likely to have kidney and liver problems because the water acts like a natural filter. And studies have shown that your ability to lose weight increases simply because you add those extra eight cups of water to your diet. In conclusion, whether its bottled, distilled, purified, or straight out of the tap water is good to you and excellent for you, so.... Water here, water there, let's savor a "Tasty Sip"!!

Chef Tara Browning

P.S.- I've also provided a link to other healthy benefits and advantages to all you water drinkers out there!!! :) Enjoy!!